When the body failed to generate sufficient blood cells such a condition is known is aplastic anemia.

 Aplastic anemia affects the body badly and following effects are more prominent on the body
I)                  Fatigued feeling
II)               High risk of infection
III)            Un-control bleeding
 This disorder may occur at any stage of life.
Following are some of the symptoms of this disorder
1)    Fatigue
2)    Shortness of breath with exertion
3)     Pale skin
4)     Skin Rash
5)    Headache
6)    Prolonged bleeding from gum  
7)    Long infection
 This disorder is a very rare and it has the following factor which increase is the risk.
Exposing body to high concentration of radiations
 Entry of the toxic material into the body
 Certain drugs ingestion like chloramhenical.
 Certain blood diseases etc.
 Generally there is no way to prevent yourself from this disorder but there are some step if we follow them we can protect ourselves up to some extent from this disorder .
These are safety steps are avoiding body exposure to insecticides, herbicides, organic solvent another toxic chemicals. These safety steps may lower the risk of this disorder.
Normally doctor recommends the following two tests to confirm the Aplastic anemia.
1)    Blood tests to check the red blood cell, white blood cell and platelets levels.
2)    Bone marrow biopsy.
 This disorder can be treated by
1)    Medication
2)    Blood transfusion or stem cell transfusion.
APLASTIC ANEMIA APLASTIC ANEMIA Reviewed by chemistry and Health on 9:21 PM Rating: 5

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