Medicinal value of cannabis its genetic engineering

Medicinal value and Genetic engineering of Cannabis and its cultivation in Pakistan.
Cannabis (Cannabis Sativa) is one of the oldest famous plant which is commonly available in nearly all parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan etc. They were also   extensively used by the chimes and Indian in ancient times.

Cannabis as a Recreational drugs
A drug that is used for enjoyment, or leisure purposes, rather than for medical reasons is called Recreational drugs. These type of drugs modify the perceptions, feelings, and emotions of the user and in a state of consciousness for pleasure is achieved. Cannabis has the same potential and very famous for this special character. Cannabis smoking generate side effects like increased heart rate and fluctuations in blood pressure, euphoria, anxiety, psychomotor retardation.
Cannabis use by Chinese
They were also   extensively used by the chimes and Indian in ancient times. The Chinese prepared paper, Ropes, textiles, string from the fibers obtained from the stem of cannabis plant and used its fruit as food. The Chinese used the cannabis plant for medicinal purposes was used for the treatment of rheumatic pain, malaria, disorders of the female reproductive system, intestinal constipation etc . Even now in this advanced world Chinese physicians recommends cannabis seeds as a laxative to the patients.

 D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (D9-THC)
D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (D9-THC) is the main active component of cannabis plant and mostly composed of fatty acids and proteins. The therapeutic effects, of theses fatty acids can be used in atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and other inflammatory diseases.

Western nation’s interest
Now a day’s cannabis has achieved a significant attention in Europe and America. Cannabis has not only applications Medical field but also in a large number of industries like pulp and paper, food products, cosmetics, building materials, textile, and nutritional supplements.
Cannabis Genetic engineering
The western nations have shown a great interest in changing the genetic makeup of the cannabis. The harmful aspects of the modified cannabis have been reduced by genetic engineering and their useful aspects have been improved. The environmental conditional and the soil for the cultivation of cannabis is very suitable in Pakistan.  Keeping in mind the interest of the western nation in cannabis due to its extensive application for pleasure and other medical and industrial uses Pakistan should promote the cultivation of modified cannabis to support its weak economy.
For further reading

1) Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry

Print version ISSN 1516-4446On-line version ISSN 1809-452X
Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr. vol.28 no.2 São Paulo June 2006
2) Li HL. Hallucinogenic plants in Chinese herbals. J Psychodelic Drugs. 1978;10(1):17-26
Medicinal value of cannabis its genetic engineering Medicinal value of cannabis its genetic engineering Reviewed by chemistry and Health on 6:35 PM Rating: 5


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